Best of breed solutions
Market Forces
The APM market in Australia is dominated by the large framework vendors (you know who you are) who have the financial resources to successfully market their products in Australia, but not necessarily the most up-to-date product sets.
APM tools exist in several categories (see, for example, the Gartner or Forrester reference models). While the big vendors from time to time make acquisitions that update some categories of their product suites, they often have deficiencies in other categories and are not properly integrated. They market themselves as a “one-stop shop,” but all too often do not have the product set or the local expertise to deliver on this promise.
The Application Performance Management tool landscape is evolving rapidly. Application delivery chains are getting more complex and distributed, and old-generation tools just aren’t cutting it any more.
The Latest and Greatest
Trash-talking aside, there are a number of innovative and highly effective APM solutions available to the American and European markets that are solving many of the problems of yesterday’s tools. The issue for the companies that make these new tools is that they lack the financial muscle of the larger vendors, and do not have the resources to effectively reach the Australian market.
Tenfold’s mission is to constantly identify these new best-of-breed APM solutions and introduce them to the Australian market. This allows Australian organisations to benefit from the latest innovation, without having to do the exhaustive research and qualification required to separate the spin from the real deal.
Our solutions are proven in large international reference accounts and are selected for their rapid ROI and low TCO. Getting out of reactive troubleshooting and into more strategic and forward-thinking IT management requires an APM toolset that addresses today’s IT challenges.
If you want to put the latest and greatest APM tools to work in your organisation, contact Tenfold now to arrange a demo.